On June 25, 2009 we lost an incredibly talented man named Michael Jackson. He died at 50 years old but did he really have to die? Apparently Michael had been suffering from insomnia and his Doctor gave him diprivan that eventually caused his body to completely shut down. Many people like Michael Jackson suffer from sleep insomnia but there is an alternative to drugs and that is Hypnotherapy.
Had I been able to work with Michael Jackson before his death I believe that he still would be alive today and he also would not be suffering from insomnia anymore. But what’s done is done and we can’t change the past however if you are suffering from insomnia please give me a call and let me show you how I can help. Please don’t do what Michael Jackson did and end up dead.
Give Tom a call at (7O2) 381-O655
I have clients that can actually fall asleep anytime they want to in about five minutes using my Hypnosis CD.
I have clients that can actually fall asleep anytime they want to in about five minutes using my Hypnosis CD.